The Radical Patient’s Purpose

The purpose of this site is to explore the meaning of health and imagine better ways to achieve it in a system and society that work against it. Ultimately it’s about the power of the patient.

Kimball Wilkins

I started this blog to express my own thoughts about health care and how it impacts people’s lives. The best way to do that, I found, was to engage with what others have to say. Some of my choices stem from anger, others from curiosity, and all of them from the hope of leading to a better and more equitable system in the U.S. I named this work Radical Patient because I believe “the patient” is the answer to our problems. We patients are the reason for health care, and we hold the key to solving so much of what needs fixing.

Currently Vice President, Digital Experience at Blue Shield of CA, where I formerly led Brand, Market Strategy, and Insights, I have over 20 years’ experience in health care. I’m a former producer of theater and hold a Ph.D. in English from U.C. Berkeley. I have studied, taught and worked with many different organizations in the public and private sectors.

The views expressed here, whether explicitly my own or belonging to others, are in no way intended to represent my employer, nor considered endorsed by said employer.
