Because Health is a Human Right


Unique Debates & Dialogue



“People tell their computer things they don’t want to say to their doctor.” (Stanford Magazine 2018)

The War on Children

Litany of Statistics

Guns and Sugar

Imagine a world where both were kept in check. Where guns weren’t allowed in the grocery store, and sugar wasn’t found in everything you bought there.

Follow the Money

In the U.S., healthcare is a $3.65 trillion industry. Some consumers can’t afford to use the health plans they pay premiums for.



What the Radical Patient Needs to Believe

You have a right to lead a healthy life.

You have a right to healthcare.

You have a right to all your personal health data.

You have a right to make decisions about your health.

Open Letter

This website is dedicated to all those who want something more or something better from healthcare in the United States. It is for the Radical Patient in each of us.


Kimball Wilkins has over 20 years’ experience in health care. A former producer of theater, she holds a Ph.D. in English from U.C. Berkeley, and has worked with many different organizations across academia, the arts and the business world. She has a long and varied track record as a patient.